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Land Sale Medellin in gated community in Las Palmas

Great land sale Medellin

  • lot for sale in envigado
Price: $ 1,119 Million COP
HOA: $ 200 Mil COP
Property Taxes: $ 300 Mil COP annual taxes
Closing Taxes:  $ 16.5 Million COP
Closing Services and Cost
* This Plug-in is for informational purposes only to give you an approximate price in your currency. The actual amount in your money of origin may change without notice

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Size of the lot: 2,237 mts  (0.55 acres)
Construction: 450 meters on the first level
Maid room:
Storage rooms:
Independent office space

HOA: $200 Mil COP
Property Taxes: $300 Mil COP annual taxes

Closing cost (buyer):  $ 16.5 Million COP

Código 9448 LOT EDI

land sale MedellinThe roomy Lot to develop your dream home is tucked away in a lovely oasis in la variante de Las Palmas to the airport in the upper part of Envigado. The Lot is sizable and beautiful. Your ideal home can be built on this Lot in Las Palmas in a sizable flat area.

land sale MedellinGiven the kids’ comfort, it has a sizable and cozy green area to enjoy. This Lot is perfect for a big family; the Lot is ideal.

Unquestionably, for your own home, this is the ideal investment opportunity.


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About this beautiful land sale Medellin in Alto de Las Palmas

The Land Sale Medellin’s availability is subject to price or sale changes. The information, including the property measurements, is informative for orientation purposes. To verify these data on the areas and services and all the legal vices of the property, we highly recommend going to a professional title study on the property. In this link, you can get certificates of the property. 

land sale medellinThe price does not include legal expenses such as taxes or sales fees. The property’s seller pays the commission unless stated in the sales contract. Buyers and sellers are taxed when doing property business in Colombia.

The seller has the right to choose the notary.
Notarial rights are .40%  of the deal, and 50% and 50% are assumed by both the buyer and seller
registration taxes 50% and 50%
The buyer assumes registration rights
The seller is responsible for the payment of withholding taxes

More land for sale in Medellin

When you purchase a lot to build your dream home, you embark on a journey of creativity, vision, and personalized living.

This is where your aspirations take shape, where your lifestyle finds its canvas. From selecting the perfect plot of land to designing every detail of your future residence, this venture grants you the freedom to bring your dreams to life.

Whether it’s a view that takes your breath away, this land sale Medelling will give you a sense of belonging to a particular neighborhood or simply the joy of crafting a space that perfectly suits your lifestyle. Buying a lot to build your dream home is an investment in your happiness and future.

So, as you embark on this endeavor, remember that each decision you make brings you closer to the realization of a place that is uniquely yours, a testament to your vision, and a haven for the years to come.